
Prayer of Adoration for God’s Miraculous Works Inspired by Psalm 66:5 (TPT)

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Prayer of Adoration

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In the presence of God’s grandeur and the multitude of His miracles, our hearts are moved to adoration and our spirits are lifted in awe. Psalm 66:5, as expressed in The Passion Translation, captures this essence beautifully, urging us to ‘come and see’ the incredible, breath-taking works of the Lord. It is a call to not only recognize but also to revel in the splendor of God’s actions among us, acknowledging His generosity in multiplying miracles for His people.

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This scripture invites us to a deeper appreciation of the divine, to a place where we can truly witness and celebrate the magnificence of God’s hand at work in our world. Drawing inspiration from this passionate call, our prayer today is one of adoration for the miraculous works of God, thanking Him for His wonders and eagerly anticipating the continued unfolding of His power and love in our lives.

As we engage in this prayer of adoration, let our hearts be open to the majesty of God’s miracles, ready to be moved and transformed by the realization of His infinite grace and might.

Prayer of Adoration for God’s Miraculous Works

Most Wonderful and Miraculous God,
With my heart full of adoration, I come before You, inspired by the words of Psalm 66:5 in The Passion Translation. I stand in awe of the incredible things You have done, which truly take my breath away.

Thank You for the miracles You multiply for me and those around me, for the ways You move in our lives that leave us astounded and filled with gratitude.
Your deeds are beyond comprehension, Your generosity boundless, and Your power unmatched. I am humbled by the majesty of Your works and the depth of Your love for us.

I ask, O Lord, that You continue to reveal Your miraculous nature to me and through me. May my life be a testament to the wonders You perform, drawing others to come and see Your greatness.
Help me to always recognize Your hand at work, to celebrate Your miracles, and to live in constant expectation of the breathtaking ways You will move in my life and in the world around me.

Bless me with the eyes to see and heart to understand the magnitude of Your wonders. May my life be forever changed by the miracles You bestow, and may my lips never cease to proclaim Your adoration.

In the precious name of Jesus, I pray in adoration of Your miraculous works, anticipating the awe-inspiring deeds You will continue to unfold in my life.

Declarations and Affirmations Prayer of Adoration for God’s Miraculous Works

  • I stand in awe of the miracles God performs for His people.
  • My heart overflows with adoration for the breathtaking works of the Lord.
  • I am a witness to God’s generosity, marveling at His wonders every day.
  • I eagerly anticipate the miraculous ways God will continue to reveal His power and love.
Prayer of Adoration for God’s Miraculous Works
(Image credit: JBKlutse / Prayer Prompt)

Create a “Miracle Journal” to document instances of God’s miraculous works in your life and the lives of those around you. Share these stories with others to inspire adoration and wonder at the marvels God performs.

Remember to share this article and prayer with as many people as possible, including on social media, to spread the message of adoration for God’s miraculous works, as vividly encouraged in Psalm 66:5 (TPT).

May this prayer enrich your appreciation for the divine miracles in your life, inspiring a deeper adoration for the breathtaking works of our God.

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Rooted in my lifelong Christian faith, I've spent over twelve years blending my digital media expertise with my spiritual journey. My mission is to guide and connect with you, sharing the transformative power of prayer. Let's walk this path of faith together. Feel free to reach out—I'm here to listen and grow with you.